Hello! My name is Angelica Marsh and I teach Kindergarten at Franklin Road Academy, a christian private school. I have had the pleasure of teaching in both public and private school, so my background in both has helped shape the way I teach! I am a hungry teacher, always looking for new ways to learn the best and most effective teaching practices to help shape my classroom teaching style. I believe in constantly reevaluating my teaching practices because each classroom is filled with so many different personalities, abilities, and experiences. Teaching is a constantly evolving profession, so put on your tennis shoes and lets race to the constantly changing finish line together!
In this blog, I have decided to start documenting my methods and share my structure. Let's learn together!
While many of our students think that we are teachers and ONLY teachers... who live in our classrooms, eat in our classrooms, and stay there for all eternity... I do have a small life outside of teaching. I am married to my wonderful, supportive, passionate husband - Cody Marsh. We are only less than a year into this gig and wow, it has been a crazy roller coaster of events!! I love my big Greek family and enjoy my new-found hobby of bootcamp. Yes, bootcamp. I am the leader of my churches K-5 youth group and teach the K-3 Greek dance group as well. Cheers to life!
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